The TEDxDUTH Transformation with NocoBase

TEDxDUTH, in partnership with NocoBase, has successfully optimized work processes, reducing management time by 50%, and together promotes the dissemination of innovation and inspiration!


TEDxDUTH is a vibrant, passionate community operating under the TEDx license at Democritus University of Thrace. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to spread ideas that inspire and ignite change. Through carefully curated events, we bring together innovative thinkers, creators, and visionaries who share their stories and insights with the world.


Our team consists of volunteers from various fields, united by a common goal: to organize seamless, professional, and inspiring TEDx events. However, the road to achieving this vision was not without its challenges. From onboarding team members to managing speaker nominations, partnerships, and recruitment, the complexity of our operations often led to inefficiencies and disorganization. That was, until we found NocoBase —a tool that has transformed how we operate and collaborate.


The Chaos We Faced

At TEDxDUTH, managing multiple moving parts across various platforms was our biggest challenge. As a team that thrives on creativity and collaboration, we quickly realized that our processes were fragmented, which was slowing us down. Our data was scattered across different platforms, and this disorganization made it difficult to stay aligned and focused on our core mission.

Here are a few of the key problems we were facing before Nocobase:

1. Scattered Information

Important data, from speaker details to team guidelines, was spread across various platforms. Some information lived in Word documents, others in Excel sheets, and some were buried in Discord or Teams conversations. As our team grew, this fragmentation became harder to manage, resulting in confusion, lost time, and even missed opportunities.

2. Manual Task Management

We had no centralized way to track team tasks or monitor progress. The invitation process for speakers, for example, required us to manually check off stages of outreach and follow-up, often leading to delays. This manual process extended to managing partnerships, making it difficult to stay organized.

3. Recruitment Challenges

With every TEDxDUTH event, we bring new volunteers on board. Our recruitment process was entirely manual— applications came in through forms, but reviewing and evaluating them was slow. Tracking the status of each application was a logistical challenge, and there was little clarity about who was responsible for what at different stages of the process.

NocoBase: A Solution Tailored to Our Needs

Realizing the need for a robust, flexible, and user-friendly system, we began exploring different options. After evaluating several tools, we discovered NocoBase, and it quickly became clear that this was the solution we had been searching for.

We chose NocoBase for several reasons:

  • Customizable Workflows: NocoBase’s no-code interface allowed us to design workflows tailored specifically to the needs of TEDxDUTH. We didn’t have to mold our processes to fit the tool—it was the other way around.
  • Centralized Platform: With NocoBase, we could finally bring all our data into one place. Whether it was onboarding new team members, managing speaker invitations, or tracking partnerships, everything could be consolidated into a single hub.
  • Role-based Permissions: Sensitive information, such as recruitment evaluations or partnership agreements, could be accessed only by authorized members. This level of control ensured transparency while safeguarding important data.
  • API Integration: One of NocoBase’s most valuable features was its ability to integrate with external systems. This allowed us to import data from public nomination forms, recruitment applications, and other sources automatically, further reducing manual input and errors.

How We Use NocoBase at TEDxDUTH

Once we implemented NocoBase, the way we operated changed dramatically. Suddenly, we had a single platform that could handle everything we needed—and more. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how we’ve been leveraging NocoBase to improve various aspects of our work:

1. Streamlined Team Onboarding

One of the first areas we optimized was the onboarding process for new team members. Previously, new volunteers had to navigate a mess of scattered documents and chat threads to get up to speed. Now, NocoBase offers a comprehensive welcome page, where new team members can access key information about TED, TEDx, and TEDxDUTH. We’ve even created a special section for personal details, like birthdays and team guidelines, which helps foster team spirit and ensures everyone’s on the same page from day one.

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2. Speaker Management and Invitation Tracking

TEDx events revolve around our speakers, so organizing and managing their invitations is crucial. With NocoBase, we’ve built a system that tracks each stage of the speaker invitation process—whether it’s outreach, confirmation, or logistical coordination. Moreover, we use public forms to gather speaker nominations, and NocoBase’s API integration allows us to automatically import nomination data into our system. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that no nomination gets overlooked.

Now, instead of juggling emails and spreadsheets, our team can track each speaker’s status in real-time, which has led to a significant reduction in response times and increased efficiency in securing speakers for our events.

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3. Partnership Management

Managing partnerships is another critical element of our success. With NocoBase, we now have a dedicated partnership module where all relevant contact information, agreements, and communication histories are stored. This module ensures that everyone who needs to stay informed about partnerships has access to the latest information, eliminating miscommunications or delays.

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4. Recruitment and Application Review

Recruitment is an ongoing task for TEDxDUTH, especially as we grow and take on more ambitious projects. Before NocoBase, our recruitment process was slow and disorganized. Now, with NocoBase’s recruitment module, all applications are imported directly from public forms, and team members can evaluate candidates in real-time.

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We’ve created custom workflows that allow for each application to be reviewed, evaluated, and moved through the recruitment pipeline, from the initial application to final onboarding.

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The best part? Automated status notifications ensure that applicants are kept in the loop at every stage of the process, making the entire experience smoother and more transparent for everyone involved.

The Results: Tangible Improvements

The impact of NocoBase on TEDxDUTH has been nothing short of transformative. Here are some key results we’ve seen since implementing the platform:

  • 50% Reduction in Time Spent on Admin Tasks: By centralizing our data and automating key processes, we’ve cut down on the time spent managing administrative tasks by more than half. This freed up valuable time that we now spend on more creative and strategic initiatives.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: With everything in one place, collaboration between team members has improved dramatically. Everyone has access to the information they need, and our workflows are transparent and easy to follow.
  • Faster, More Efficient Recruitment: Thanks to our streamlined recruitment process, we can evaluate and onboard new team members much faster than before, allowing us to build stronger, more effective teams.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: With access to real-time data and insights, we’ve been able to make faster, more informed decisions about everything from speaker invitations to partnership agreements.

Our Evaluation of NocoBase

After 4 weeks of working with NocoBase, we have a clear perspective on its strengths and areas for improvement:


  • Ease of Use: The platform’s no-code interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing non-technical team members to create and manage workflows with ease.
  • Customizability: NocoBase offers an unparalleled level of customization, making it a perfect fit for our unique needs.
  • Centralized Management: The ability to consolidate all our processes into one system has significantly improved our workflow, communication, and collaboration.

An Inspirational Note: The Power of Innovation

At TEDxDUTH, we believe in the power of innovation and collaboration to change the world. NocoBase has empowered us to streamline our operations and focus more on what truly matters—delivering inspiring events that spread ideas worth sharing.

If your organization is struggling with disorganization or inefficient workflows, NocoBase isn’t just a tool—it’s a solution that can empower your team to achieve more. For us, it’s been a game-changer, helping us dream bigger, work smarter, and create lasting impact in our community.

Thank you, NocoBase, for being an integral part of our journey. We look forward to growing alongside you as we continue to push boundaries and spread ideas that matter!