We are developing or have already planned the following new features and plugins.
Integrates third-party LLM and provides AI capabilities throughout the entire system
In progressConfigure once, adapt to devices of all sizes.
In progressManage routes centrally; pages can be hidden from the menu.
In progressRefactor block templates to allow independent template configuration. Templates can contain multiple blocks. Blocks added using a template inherit from that template, allowing for further custom configuration.
In progressConnect events and actions within and between blocks to create interactive effects. Each event stream includes events, conditions, and actions. Each action allows for parameter configuration, and the result of one action serves as the input for the next.
In progressOffer cloud-based coding capabilities, allowing developers to create lightweight plugins directly in the front end, to address simple customization needs.
In progressStores and manages static data like enumerations, code tables, currencies, and units for easy reuse across multiple places.
In progress New plugin CommercialAdd any field from any data source in the filter block to filter any block on the page (including chart blocks)
In progress New pluginAdd a summary footer to table, list blocks to output aggregate results such as totals, sums, averages, or any text content.
In progress New pluginA higher-performance table block with more features such as in-cell editing, header cell merging, and drag-and-drop column resizing.
In progress New plugin CommercialUpload templates edited in Word or Excel, automatically replace variables within the templates, and output new files.
In progress New plugin CommercialOffers global variables and an interface for switching between them, supporting scenarios like project, store, or currency changes.
In progress New pluginDynamically calculate or retrieve specific data related to the main query and display it as part of the result set.
In progress New plugin CommercialCombines permissions from the user's all roles, eliminating the need to switch between them.
In progressWorkflows can be called by other workflows, enabling process reuse.
In progress New pluginProvides a more user-friendly mobile experience, supporting the extension of various mobile components.
In progress New pluginNew development tutorial with step-by-step plugin samples.
In progress