
Everything is a plugin. Use plugins to extend the capabilities of NocoBase.

The complete plugin marketplace is expected to go live in the fourth quarter of 2024. Until then, if you need to purchase plugins or sell your plugins, please contact us to discuss the details.

Contact to buy or sell plugins
What is a plugin bundle

If your business's payment process is complex, purchasing NocoBase plugins one by one might be tedious. Therefore, we've rolled out a package option for plugins. You can buy a plugin bundle, which comes with "points," and during your actual use of NocoBase, you can choose and exchange plugins as required.

NocoBase's commercial plugins have four different prices: $200, $400, $800, and $1,600. Each point within a plugin bundle equates to $100, hence these four price tags correspond to 2 , 4 , 8 , and 16 respectively.

On the plugin list page, you can view the price of each plugin and its corresponding points. For example, the 'Data Source: External PostgreSQL' plugin is priced at $400 or 4 .

Data source: External PostgreSQL
By NocoBase

Use external PostgreSQL databases as data sources.

If you buy a plugin bundle of 32 , you can exchange it for 16 plugins of $200 each, or 8 plugins of $400 each, or one plugin of $800 + 3 plugins of $400 + 6 plugins of $200.

The remaining points in the plugin bundle never expire and you don't have to select all plugins at once; you can make your selections gradually throughout the development process.

Plugin bundles
Bundle Price
32 $3,200
64 $6,400
128 $12,800
256 $25,600