NocoBase v1.6.8: Bug Fixes

Release Note of v1.6.8

nocobase [bot] |

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [server] The upgrade command may cause workflow errors (#6524) by @gchust

  • [client] the height of the subtable in the form is set along with the form height (#6518) by @katherinehhh

  • [Authentication]

    • X-Authenticator missing (#6526) by @chenos

    • Trim authenticator options (#6527) by @2013xile

  • [Block: Map] map block key management issue causing request failures due to invisible characters (#6521) by @katherinehhh

  • [Backup manager] Restoration may cause workflow execution errors by @gchust

  • [WeCom] Resolve environment variables and secrets when retrieving notification configuration. by @2013xile